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发布日期:2022-10-28 浏览量:


1 基本信息:















1 学习工作经历

2012.092016.07 江西理工大学矿物加工工程本科,获学士学位;

2016.092021.06 昆明理工大学矿物加工工程博士研究生,获博士学位(硕博连读);

2021.09至今 昆明理工大学矿物加工工程,讲师。

1 研究项目:

[1] 云南省基础研究专项面上项目,铜铅硫化矿浮选固液界面上组合捕收剂的吸附行为及机理研究,2024.03⁓2027.02,主持;

[2] 云南省基础研究专项青年项目,废旧印刷电路板中金属资源的绿色回收关键技术研究,2023.06⁓2026.05,主持;

[3] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,黄铜矿与方铅矿在浮选分离过程中的交互作用及其氧化调控研究,2023.01⁓2025.12,主持;

[4] 云南省科技厅重大专项课题,采矿含铜废石绿色分选新技术及示范工程,2022.07⁓2025.06,参与;

[5] 云铜集团校企合作项目,废旧电路板高效破碎-绿色分离关键技术研究,2022.032022.12,参与;

[6] 国家自然科学基金地区基金项目,孔雀石晶体层状空间结构及其插层硫化机理,2018.01-2021.12,参与。

1 代表性获奖:

[1] 云南省“兴滇英才计划”青年人才,2023

[2] 云南省优秀博士论文,2022

1 代表性专利:

[1] 铜铅锌多金属硫化矿同质活化浮选方法,发明专利,已授权,授权号ZL201910612135.6.

[2] 一种用于铜矿除砷的方法,发明专利,已授权,授权号ZL201810916019.9.

[3] 一种分步回收萤石和重晶石的方法,发明专利,已授权,授权号ZL201810916837.9.

1 代表性专著、教材


1 代表性论文:

[1] Zhang Zhenxiong, Yang Xing, Wang Yuquan, Wu Kezhen, Lai Hao*, Liu Dianwen. The effect of copper ions on the surface chemistry of galena in near-neutral and alkaline solution. Minerals Engineering, 2023, 202: 108246.

[2] Lai Hao, Shen Peilun, Liu Ruizeng, Liu Dianwen, Wen Shuming. Cryo-ToF-SIMS study of sodium isobutyl xanthate adsorption on sulfide minerals [J]. Minerals Engineering, 2022, 186: 107723.

[3] Lai Hao, Deng Jiushuai, Liu Quanjun, Wen Shuming, Song Qiang. Surface chemistry investigation of froth flotation products of lead-zinc sulfide ore using ToF-SIMS and multivariate analysis [J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 254: 117655.

[4] Lai Hao, Liu Quanjun, Deng Jiushuai, Wen Shuming, Liu Zilong. Surface chemistry study of Cu-Pb sulfide ore using ToF-SIMS and multivariate analysis [J]. Applied Surface Science, 2020, 518.

[5] Lai Hao, Liu Quanjun, Deng Jiushuai, Wen Shuming. Using ToF-SIMS to study metal ions transfer between chalcopyrite and galena during grinding [J]. Advanced Powder Technology, 2020, 31(7): 2650-2657.

[6] Lai Hao, Deng Jiu-Shuai, Liu Zi-Long, Wen Shu-Ming, Huang Ling-Yun. Determination of Fe and Zn contents and distributions in natural sphalerite/marmatite by various analysis methods [J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2020, 30(5): 1364-1374.

[7] Lai Hao, Deng Jiushuai, Wen Shuming, Liu Quanjun. Elucidation of lead ions adsorption mechanism on marmatite surface by PCA-assisted ToF-SIMS, XPS and zeta potential [J]. Minerals Engineering, 2019, 144.

[8] Lai Hao, Deng Jiushuai, Wen Shuming. Application of ToF-SIMS and PCA to study interaction mechanism of dodecylamine and smithsonite [J]. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 496.

[9] Lai Hao, Deng Jiushuai, Wen Shuming, Wu Dandan. Homogenization phenomena of surface components of chalcopyrite and sphalerite during grinding processing [J]. Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2019, 578.

[10] Lai Hao, Deng Jiushuai, Fan Guixia, Xu Hongxiang, Chen Wenxiang, Li Shimei, Huang Lingyun. Mechanism Study of Xanthate Adsorption on Sphalerite/Marmatite Surfaces by ToF-SIMS Analysis and Flotation [J]. Minerals, 2019, 9(4).

